Using Shiny for interactive displays of health data: The Scottish Burden of Diseases
The Accelerator programme run by The Data Lab between 19 April 2018 - 06 September 2018 was a Scottish Government collaborative project, open to employees of the Scottish Government, the Information Services Division, the National Records of Scotland and Registers of Scotland. Employees applying to take part had a background in statistics, . . .
Posted in: caterina constantinescu
Four tips for creating interactive visualisations with Shiny
I’ve recently presented a toy Shiny app at the Edinburgh Data Visualization Meetup to demonstrate how Shiny can be used to explore data interactively.
In my code-assisted walkthrough, I began by discussing the data used: a set of records detailing customer purchases made on Black Friday (i.e., each customer was given a unique ID, . . .
Posted in: caterina constantinescu
Interactive Intelligence
Human-In-The-Loop Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has captured a large share of academic and industry attention during recent years, both in terms of new capabilities and the implications to society. Many state-of-the-art techniques are able to provide important capabilities for different fields, yet we are far from creating artificial general . . .
Posted in: fazl barez
Generative Adversarial Networks – when AI gets creative
Since Frank Rosenblatt introduced the Perceptron in 1958, neural networks have significantly evolved and taken the world by storm. Their ability to model complex, non-linear relationships that exist in data, led to novel neural network architectures, able to outperform humans in various challenging tasks like face recognition, disease . . .
Posted in: thanos tsiaras
Sector Innovation Snapshots
Visualising innovation information in Scottish sectors for the Can Do Innovation Forum
This summer, I was asked to support the Scotland CAN DO Innovation Forum with some data visualisation work. The Forum has been working with its members, representing key employment sectors in Scotland, to better understand innovation. What does innovation look like? How does it manifest in different sectors? And how can we support innovation . . .
Posted in: joanna mckenzie
New Keynote Announcement for DataTech19: Debbie Bard, and Deadline Extension for Proposals
We are delighted to announce our complete list of keynote speakers for the upcoming DataTech19 conference (organised by The Data Lab as part of DataFest), which now includes Debbie Bard, expert in machine learning at scale and data-intensive computing for experimental science, from the National Energy Research Scientific Computing . . .
Posted in: caterina constantinescu
Announcing The Second Keynote of DataTech19: Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
We have further updates on DataTech19, Scotland’s first technical data science conference!
We are pleased to announce our second confirmed keynote speaker for DataTech19: Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel (Associate Professor of the Practice, Duke University, and Data Scientist + Professional Educator at RStudio). Mine’s work focuses . . .
Posted in: caterina constantinescu